Posted by Best Insurance,Car Insurance,Life Insurance,Health Insurance on Wednesday, 15 April 2015
This week is National Retirement Planning Week, organized by the National Retirement Planning Coalition. The group aims to help people create a comprehensive plan for retirement, which can seem daunting or, for some, too far away to contemplate. Its website,, offers tools based on your age, retirement and saving calculators and plenty of information about ways you can be prepared for retirement.
Insurance needs also should be factored into your retirement plans.
Medicare plans carry a cost for premiums, doctor visits, prescription drugs and hospitalizations. However, Medicare typically does not cover long-term care, so some people opt for
long-term care insurance to pay for home health care, adult day care, nursing home care or group-living facility care.
If you are considering annuities as part of your retirement planning, w
e have information about the benefits, the types of annuities and payouts.
Questions? You can
contact our consumer advocates online or at 1-800-562-6900.