Posted by Best Insurance,Car Insurance,Life Insurance,Health Insurance on Monday, 15 October 2012
FSCO has introduced an additional change effective November 1, 2012 dealing with the submission of the Auto Insurance Standard Invoice (OCF-21). As of the effective date HCAI will be rejecting invoices submitted that
do not include two new mandatory data fields dealing with MIG treatment. The two fields are the date that each MIG treatment Block commenced, and the profession(s) of the health practitioner(s) who provided the treatment, are to be identified.
These changes build on previous revisions to the OCF-21 back on July 1, 2012 when it became mandatory to complete the “Plan Number” field. The Health Claims for Auto Insurance July 2012 Guideline (
Superintendent’s Guideline No. 02/12) provides direction on how to complete this field.
These changes are intended to provide FSCO and stakeholders with a better understand medical and rehabilitation costs and trends. As well, there have been gaps identified where additional information is required in order to obtain useful data regarding minor injury claims.